Bio Castel- סרט תדמית מוצר להסברה וגיוס משקיעים

FilmForChange was the producer of BioCastle SBP animation film which significant promote BioCastle marketing efforts and contribute to the understanding of the company technology. I do think that it was a quite challenging project since the production team has been required to understand the technology concept and as well, scientific and engineering background aspects, in order to produce a successful product. It was required patience and creativity. The manager of FilmForChange, Mr. Itay Livne, was in a personal monitor this project and I must say that he was all time viable and attentive to the client's needs and requests. The product was more than satisfied and the production process was pleasant and excited

Dr. Ofir Menashe, CEO, BioCastle Water Technologies Ltd.


  • FILMS FOR A CHANGE: קריאייטיב, תסריט, אנימציה, הקלטת קריינות, עריכה, בימוי, ניהול והפקה מלאה

פרויקטים נוספים בקטגוריה זו

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